Financial Information

At Pensacola Christian Academy, you’ll find a quality education; caring, professional teachers; and secure modern facilities offered at an affordable price. You can also choose from a variety of convenient service options, including transportation and Extended School Day.

Registration and Tuition Cost

After the initial registration fee, tuition is divided into a 10-period payment plan.

Multi-Student Tuition Discount—For families with two or more students enrolled, a 10% discount on tuition each pay period is applied for your second child and a 20% discount for each additional child.

Military Discount—50% OFF REGISTRATION on new enrollment for all military personnel!


Registration Fee



Registration Fee



(Cost Per Pay Period)

(8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)


Grades 1–6


Grades 7–12



(Cost Per Pay Period)

(8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)


Grades 1–3


Grades 4–6


Grades 7–12


Pensacola Christian Academy operates as an educational nonprofit tax-exempt institution and does not participate in any state/federal scholarship or voucher programs.

Attend K4 & K5, Get First Grade Tuition-FREE!

Children who are enrolled in four-year-old kindergarten at PCA beginning August and attend two full consecutive years (K4 and K5) may attend first grade tuition-free. Contact us for details. Registration fee, books, and supplies are not included in this offer.

Learn More

Cost of Services


Students in Pensacola and many outlying areas can take PCA’s bus, with morning and afternoon routes available for kindergarten through grade 12.

Kindergarten bus students ride the 3 p.m. bus. ESD will be provided until 3 p.m. for these kindergartners.



Morning/3 p.m. Route
(Grades 1–12)


Bus/ESD Combo




Morning/3 p.m. Route
(Grades 1–12)


Bus/ESD Combo



Our hot lunch program provides delicious lunches including an entrée, sides, and a drink.


(Cost Per Meal)



Grades 1–6


Grades 7–12



Piano—Semiprivate lessons begin in grade 1 and transition to private lessons in grades 2–12.

Harp—Group instruction begins in grade 3, and private instruction is also available for interested students.

Band—Group instruction begins in grade 3 and private lessons are available in grade 4.

Strings—The Jaffé Strings program is offered for various levels of proficiency. Beginning in grade 4, students can learn violin, viola, cello, or bass through the program. Outside practice is not required. Private lessons are available for more advanced students.


(Cost Per Pay Period)

Private Lessons


Semi Private Lessons


Jaffé Strings



(Cost Per Pay Period)

Private Lessons


Semi Private Lessons


Jaffé Strings


Extended School Day (ESD)

Extended School Day (ESD) is an additional service provided at a nominal fee benefiting parents unable to meet scheduled arrival and dismissal times. Before-school care begins at 7 a.m. for K4–Grade 2 and after-school care is available until 5:30 p.m. for K4–Grade 6.

This service is not available for students in Grades 7–12.

The school opens for students at 7:30 a.m. If you need to bring your child to school between 7 a.m.–7:30 a.m., we will take them to their classroom for you. Children enjoy story time or quiet skill-play toys before the school day begins.

While car students are being dismissed, we lead ESD students to the cafeteria for lunch. Although some students bring their lunch from home, most parents choose to purchase a school lunch for their children. Optional lunches cost $3.25 each and are charged to the account at the end of each month. After lunch, the children have a brief rest time. Later, the students play games and enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Nap mats and an afternoon snack are provided at no additional cost.
Kindergarten students not riding the 3 p.m. bus may be picked up at any time prior to 5:30 p.m.

While car and afternoon bus students are being dismissed, ESD begins. The afternoon is comprised of enjoyable indoor and outdoor activities and students grades 3–6 are able to complete homework assignments. Snacks from home can be brought in if desired.

Kindergarten and Elementary students may be picked up at any time between regular school dismissal and 5:30 p.m.


Extended School Day Options
(Cost Per Pay Period)

Before School ONLY
Kindergarten–Grade 2 (begins 7:00 a.m.)


Before and After School
Kindergarten (begins 7:00 a.m.;
ends 5:30 p.m.)


After School ONLY
Grades 1–6 (ends 5:30 p.m.)



Extended School Day Options
(Cost Per Pay Period)

Before School ONLY
Kindergarten–Grade 2 (begins 7:00 a.m.)


Before and After School
Kindergarten (begins 7:00 a.m.;
ends 5:30 p.m.)


After School ONLY
Grades 1–6 (ends 5:30 p.m.)


Start your child on a journey
of lifelong learning.

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